Woman celebrates graduation and faith through New Life Ministries program


Alexis beamed with joy on a sunny day in May. It wasn’t just any day—it was a day she wouldn’t have believed possible a few months prior. That day was her graduation from the Women’s Life House program through New Life Ministries. It marked a huge change in her life. But it wasn’t always easy.

The Women’s Life House is a transitional housing program that serves women recovering from homelessness, addiction, hunger, and other circumstances. Alexis had been in similar programs before, so when she joined New Life Ministries in 2023, she wasn’t sure things would be different. It felt like other programs she had been in and out of, but something clicked this time. During her graduation speech, she shared what she learned.

“Once I applied myself, good things kept happening,” Alexis said. This time, she really put in the effort, and it made a huge difference.

For eight months, Alexis stuck with the program, working hard through every step. She became more confident and even started helping others. When there weren’t enough staff members around, she was trusted with responsibilities that allowed her to be there for the other residents.

But Alexis’ change wasn’t just about being responsible and feeling good. While she was in the program, she discovered a deeper meaning in life. Her faith in God grew, and she decided to be baptized on the day of her graduation. So, that day in May became a double celebration—for her hard work in the program and for her faith in Jesus Christ.

“Often we see men and women enter who are not ready for change, and they often leave quickly and/or return to their past lifestyles,” said Savannah Marlow, operations director of New Life Ministries. “Seeing those who make a commitment to themselves to stick it out is a blessing, and their testimonies reflect that too.”

Alexis’ story shows that if you trust in God and walk in faith, you can do things you once thought impossible.

Some of Alexis’ biggest fans at the graduation were the program’s director and manager. The other residents were also inspired—they saw that change is possible with hard work and faith. Even though the team and residents will miss Alexis, they know this a good thing. It isn’t goodbye but a big step toward a brighter future.

Now, Alexis has her own apartment and has taken steps toward being independent, and many are rooting for her.

“Moving out on your own can be a big adjustment, but we pray she continues to apply what she learned in the Women’s Life House and continues to help others in recovery as she has done many times while in our program,” said Savannah.

Alexis’ story is an example of what New Life Ministries is all about: changing lives with hard work, support, and faith.