CULLODEN, Ga. — Sounds of praise are echoing again from the former Culloden Baptist Church on Church Street in Culloden.
Renamed New Providence Baptist Church of Culloden, the 100-year-old church has reopened and held its first service Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025.
Located 15 miles southwest of Forsyth in Monroe County, one of the largest counties in Georgia, this new church plant is an extension arm of New Providence Baptist Church of Smarr, and is led by NPBC of Smarr Student Pastor James Amos.
“I think it went good for it being the first service,” said Amos, 45. “I don’t get hung up on numbers. If there was 20 people there, I would have been just as happy. I had some great follow-up conversations. And, some said they would be back the next Sunday.”
Seating 100 people, there were 152 in attendance. Overflow seating was provided in the church fellowship hall with a live feed of the service.
Amos hopes to draw in the local community and get them actively plugged into doing God’s will. Centennial Baptist Church Associational Mission Strategist Steve Laughman said Culloden has approximately 300 homes with Culloden addresses. The city of Culloden estimates about 219 residents live in the city.
Two years ago, Amos felt the call to lead a congregation, but didn’t feel a call to leave NPBC of Smarr. He shared this with his wife and NPBC of Smarr Senior Pastor Brian Moore. In March of last year, Laughman approached Moore about church planting in Culloden. Amos was soon after chosen as the pastor.
A native of Byron, Ga., Amos has previously served as assistant Sunday school teacher, in student ministry, and as an assistant middle school pastor. He was ordained on April 28, 2013. He is married and has eight children.
Amos will remain on staff at NPBC of Smarr as student pastor for at least a year and his office will remain at the Smarr campus.
“This is going to help James because he is not going to feel isolated and alone because he is still going to be a part of our team.”
Moore said the church will operate on Sunday mornings only for the first year.
“It’s gonna be a campus of New Providence. But, it will have its own pastor and its own worship team. Everything there will be done live. Instead of viewing me as their pastor, I want them to view James as their pastor.”
This church plant is part of a partnership between NPBC of Smarr, the North American Mission Board's Send Network and Centennial Baptist Association, of which NPBC Culloden is a member. Culloden Baptist Church was a part of Centennial Baptist Association in Thomaston. NPBC of Smarr is a member of Mid State Association in Macon.
“New Providence will be a part of two associations,” said Moore.
Laughman sees future growth in Culloden, and a church plant at Culloden Baptist Church is a step in that direction.
Laughman has lots of praise for Amos. “James Amos is gifted in just getting out there and getting to know people. You feel like you know him after having a 10-minute conversation with him. And, he has done that over the course of the last six months of this process. He’s gone from being a stranger in that community to everybody knows who James Amos is. He’s gotten to know the city leaders, gone to the local businesses, he’s just really made an impact there. And, that community needed something like that.”
This church was birthed out of NPBC of Smarr’s desire to develop and strengthen churches from different locations in Monroe County. That area includes Culloden, High Falls, and Juliette.
A year and a half ago, longtime Culloden Baptist Church pastor Rev. Albert Parker became ill and talked with Laughman and church members about the church’s future after his passing. Parker passed away in late 2023 at age 88.
At the same time, Moore shared his church’s desire with Laughman and both men met with members of Culloden Baptist Church prior to the church closing to forge a partnership. CBC opted to close the doors instead. The final service was Feb. 18, 2024.
Culloden gave its resources and property to Centennial and a short time later, Moore and New Providence decided to reopen the church as an extension of their ministry. The resources and remaining funds from the Culloden campus were given to NPBC of Smarr in early 2024.
Resources and monies received when they acquired the property from CBA have gone to remodeling the facility. NPBC of Smarr also allocated $100,000 for remodeling as well.
“For them (Culloden) to hand us the keys to the building and say the only thing we ask is that you do your best to continue the work we started here, I had to honor that. And then to be able to go to New Providence who have a passion for being able to minister to people in their county from multiple places in their county was just something that God orchestrated,” said Laughman.
The North American Mission Board through the Send Network has played a big part in this effort both with training and resources. Amos is approved as a Send Network Church Planter, said Moore.
North American Mission Board Church Planting Catalyst Patrick Fielder said Amos went through the Send Network assessment process with New Providence Baptist Church of Smarr as the sponsoring church. Send Network holds assessment retreats all over the state of Georgia. The process includes an application, and online and in-person assessments.
“What they are trying to assess is by God’s grace, is the candidate ready to enter church planting. And, can they do it in a healthy and God-honoring way,” said Fielder.
Amos has a 5-year endorsement. It has played a vital role for him including networking opportunities and mentorships.
"We want to see New Providence of Culloden reach their community in such a way that they make disciples and push back lostness in their community. And, to reach those who need the good news of Jesus. We hope Amos leads his church to be disciple makers, to spread the gospel to those who need to hear it, and that he would see that change in the one percent change in his community. And if we can be a part of that change, then that is a win.”
Those interested in exploring the possibility of planting a church in Georgia are encouraged to attend the next Send Network Lab on Feb. 11 at First Baptist Church Douglasville. This one-day workshop will help you develop a vision and plan for leading your church to Send. To register, visit